Thursday, September 2, 2010

Where Has the Time Gone?!

The babies are now 8 months old!

I seriously cannot believe how fast time flies! It seems like just 5 minutes ago, they were newborns and I was rocking my sweet angels in their rocking chairs (at the same time)!

(Not taken 5 minutes ago, but whatever.)

I have to say that although I love watching them grow and seeing their personalities develop, I am a little sad that they are growing so fast. But, so it goes.

A little bit about the babies this month:

- They both have TWO teeth! Their front two teeth popped up exactly at the same time, on the exact same weekend! There is no denying they are twins, that's for sure!
-They both snort when they giggle! I swear to God, it is THE cutest thing you will ever see in your life.
-They are actually eating solid (sort-of) foods now. They like to eat melty yogurt discs and puffed veggie/fruit snacks. (Basically, these treats melt in their mouths after two or three chews.)
- They also love drinking a little water from their sippy cups after being outside in the hot weather. (And will even drink out of Mama and Daddy's cups, too!)


- likes to bite EVERYTHING. Other people's fingers and his Mama's ankles are among his favorites.
- can crawl at the speed of light. I'm really not kidding; one minute he's in the living room. The next, he's down the hallway in either his bedroom, the bathroom or the laundry room. (Yikes.)
- has been a little bit fussy lately, which is a change from his usual happy self. I think it's because he's trying to cut some more teeth.


- isn't much of a biter, but she will bite your clothing on occasion. (For example, if you are holding her on your shoulder and patting her back, she'll bite your shirt. Who knows why?)
- has finally mastered crawling! Although she isn't quite as speedy as her brother, she knows how to get around and will scream (loudly) if you pick her up and turn her in the opposite direction. (Not that we've done that or anything...)
- has also been a bit of a fussy-britches lately. Again, I think this is because of the teeth issue. At least, I hope. I hope.

The babies have their 9 month check-up coming very soon, so we'll see how much they weigh. I'm betting it's some where around 19lbs for Donny, and closer to 16-17 for Olivia.

Some exciting things have happened this past month:

The babies had their first visit to the pool. They LOVED it!

Uncle Darrin visited us, too! We ♥ our Uncle Darrin!

And one final thing: Grandma visited us this past weekend! We all went to the Alabama State Fair and had a great time seeing the animals and watching folks ride rides and play games!

Oh, also, they babies have begun transitioning from three naps a day down to two. (Their mama is NOT pleased.) For instance, this morning, the babies went down for their first nap at about 9:40AM, when they usually go down at about 8:15.


But other than that, we've just been chugging along!

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